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New Mobile Monetization Study: Making Sense of Use Rate

Posted Oct 28, 2015

While there is no one size fits all approach to maximizing mobile app monetization, there are a few levers publishers can take advantage of, and one of the most powerful is optimizing ad Use Rate.

To examine the effect modifying an app’s Use Rate has on revenue, DAU, session time, and overall monetization efficiency, we studied the trends of the top monetizing apps and the impact modifying Use Rate had for 3 of them. The results are available in our new white paper: Making Sense of Use Rate.

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In addition to offering trends from the top 200 earning apps this summer, the study also takes three deep dives into the effect modifying use rate had for:

  • An adventure RPG with over 400,000 DAU
  • A social entertainment app with 600,000 DAU
  • An action FPS game with 400,000 DAU

While previous research has shown the known affect Use Rate has on revenue and its correlation to increased session time, the case studies included in this report offer a deeper understanding of the effect of Use Rate on monetization efficiency. That is, publishers earned more revenue per ad served when their Use Rate was increased to recommended thresholds.

In fact, publishers increased monetization efficiency between 21.1% and 54.5% by improving their ad Use Rates. This was achieved by a number of methods, including:

  • adjusting user ad segmentation to enable ads for more users
  • improving ad positioning of value exchange video integrations to be more noticeable
  • adjusting ad request timings to better align with typical session duration

While adjusting user segmentation and ad request timings are relatively easy adjustments, improving ad positioning admittedly required a more concerted effort for the publishers. Nevertheless, the benefits were clear as the apps enjoyed increased ARPDAU and eCPM without affecting DAU.

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