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AdColony’s Monetization and User Acquisition Trends 2020

This report combines findings from two of AdColony’s studies: The Mobile Publishing Survey and the App Install Marketing Survey. Both surveys were distributed globally and garnered responses from 100+ mobile publishers. Each survey asked respondents 35+ questions regarding their strategies and results for monetization, user experience (UX), and user acquisition. The mobile publishers included gaming…


App Install Marketing Survey — 2020 Edition

The AdColony App Install Marketing Survey was distributed globally and garnered responses from 120+ app developers. The survey asked respondents 38 questions regarding their strategies and results for user acquisition. Topics covered include: Budget allocation Most effective methods UA campaign plans for 2020 Important factors when evaluating ad networks and UA campaigns


Mobile Gaming Survey 2020 After COVID-19 — Japan

As the Coronavirus situation evolved, people are being encouraged to stay at home in order to ensure their health and safety. Mobile Gaming Survey 2020 After COVID-19 — Japan report analyzes the shift in mobile gaming behavior in Japan after the COVID-19 crisis. Topics covered include: Frequency of mobile game play after COVID-19 Session time…


Mobile and Fitness Survey 2020

The AdColony Mobile and Fitness Survey was created to understand user behavior regarding fitness goals, mobile usage, and changes in behavior after New Year resolutions are put into place. The survey was distributed twice, once during December 2019 and another during February 2020. As COVID-19 began to make a global impact, a supplemental survey was…


In-App Advertising Guide During COVID-19

In-App Advertising Guide During COVID-19 brings together the main concepts of in-app advertising. Each with specific actions advertisers can take to connect with their customers in smart ways during this time. The report features 5 important sections for advertisers to keep in mind while building a communication strategy for the pandemic period and leverage mobile…


COVID-19 Consumer Insights North America Volume 2

Stay at home. Lockdown. Physical distancing. The reality of the mobile app landscape has changed since the last edition of our consumer insights and app trends. Staying updated is critical for publishers and advertisers to stay on top of the trends and opportunities in these unfortunate times, so we ran the surveys, looked at the…


COVID-19 Consumer Insights North America

The COVID-19 outbreak has significantly changed the daily lives of people from several countries. Across the globe, people are being encouraged to stay at home in order to ensure their health and safety. As the Coronavirus situation continues to evolve, technology usage and habits will also see major changes. Topics covered include: Mobile data usage…


COVID-19 Consumer Insights Australia

The COVID-19 outbreak has significantly changed the daily lives of people from several countries. Across the globe, people are being encouraged to stay at home in order to ensure their health and safety. As the Coronavirus situation continues to evolve, technology usage and habits will also see major changes. Learn more about the shifts in…


COVID-19 Consumer Insights Southeast Asia

The COVID-19 outbreak has significantly changed the daily lives of people from several countries. Across the globe, people are being encouraged to stay at home in order to ensure their health and safety. As the Coronavirus situation continues to evolve, technology usage and habits will also see major changes. Learn more about the shifts in…


COVID-19 Consumer Insights India

The COVID-19 outbreak has significantly changed the daily lives of people from several countries. Across the globe, people are being encouraged to stay at home in order to ensure their health and safety. As the Coronavirus situation continues to evolve, technology usage and habits will also see major changes. Learn more about the shifts in…

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