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Creative Showcase Sanofi Pharmaton

Creative Showcase: Sanofi Pharmaton Optimized Campaign

Posted Aug 3, 2020

In this edition of the Creative Showcase, we are looking at Sanofi Healthcare Turkey’s Pharmaton campaign. The well-known multivitamin brand reached its target audience with a successful and engaging campaign using AdColony’s unique optimization methodology. While the creative itself used standard video creative, it was AdColony’s amazing campaign management team that set this campaign apart and delivered outstanding client results. 

About the Campaign

Campaign optimization is essential to ensuring campaign success in today’s fast-past digital marketing work. It’s not enough to look at campaign results when it’s complete, but mid-flight adjustments must be made to ensure campaigns are delivering against the correct target audience group with the creatives they’d prefer to engage with in order to increase brand and product awareness. This is especially important when promoting nutritional supplements where your products can show direct benefits to the end-users.

AdColony provides industry-leading optimization experience to its brand advertisers through a combination of talented and dedicated campaign managers, data and measurement partnerships, and proprietary bidding algorithms. With this real-time optimization methodology, brand KPI metrics usually measured at the end can be measured during the campaign. Ad recall, awareness, purchase uplift metrics are all observed while the campaign is running, and all optimizations are made in order to increase real brand KPIs. Thanks to this unique AdColony combination of technology and talent, Pharmaton reached its audience with an optimized campaign across premium mobile gaming inventory.

With the Nielsen certified research, Pharmaton has increased its new slogan “More of You” message association by an absolute lift of 16.2% and has reached 57.3% points. While the campaign was running, the creatives, scheduling, frequency, and audience variables were optimized based on the results of the study.

How it Worked

Sanofi created three different video creatives to deliver the campaign message in the most accurate way to its target audience. In the first week of the campaign, they took the first step to understand which of the three videos was more effective with audiences. According to the results obtained during the first week, the video that focused on the daily life of an adult was more successful than the other two videos and provided 12.5% more uplift in terms of Message Association. Thus, for the rest of the campaign, it was decided to focus on this video while checking other variables.

In order to optimize the message association in the second week, the frequency values of the campaign were analyzed. After analyzing the total effect of each frequency, the most effective frequency was determined to be Fcap 1,4 as the campaign could reach the maximum unique user number while optimizing the message association. Because of this change, 19.4% of the additional uplift was achieved. 

In the third week, the variable to check was dayparting (scheduling ads for certain times of the day or certain days of the week in order to more effectively target audiences). As a result of the analysis, it was observed that the weekends achieved better results compared to weekdays. When we looked at which times of day it was more effective, it was clear that “Primetime” (between 8 and 11 pm) gave the best performing uplift rates compared to other periods. 29.7% of the additional uplift was achieved in the 3rd-week of optimization.

The target audience that is most interested in the brand and campaign message is the last important point of optimization. In terms of gender targeting, female audiences perform better than male audiences. Using Nil Karaibrahimgil, one of the most popular singers in Turkey, as the face of the campaign was highly effective in making this creative stand out in a crowded market. 

The 35-44 age breakdown performed better than 25-34 for both genders. According to the analysis, it was observed that the female and 35-44 age group was the best performing group for this campaign. Thus, as a result of the optimizations carried out over four weeks, an additional uplift of 39.4% was achieved in the total campaign results verified by Nielsen.

Why it Worked

After four weeks of optimization, the campaign continued for three more weeks. At the end of seven weeks, Sanofi reached 1.4M+ unique users with a video completion rate (VCR) of 89%. The unique engagement rate was calculated as 76%.

According to the Nielsen-certified results, Sanofi managed to have reached 57.3% correct Message Association, higher than simple A/B testing results. This suggests a 48% message association rate would be achieved without AdColony’s optimization products and expertise.

About Pharmaton 
Sanofi Consumer Healthcare brand Pharmaton is a multivitamin and mineral-containing food supplement that can support meeting our daily vitamin and mineral needs, as well as containing Ginseng G115. It is believed that using Pharmaton daily keeps the person energetic and healthy. Taking this into consideration, it is no coincidence that they make the most accurate optimizations by choosing energetic advertising videos to deliver their campaign messages to the right audience group.

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