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Consumer Behavior & Shopping During Christmas — Highlights from LATAM

Posted Nov 24, 2021

As the pandemic is (hopefully) starting to disappear from our lives, people want to leave the suffering days and welcome the merry spirit of the New Year! While Christmas jingles are starting to be heard, consumers in LATAM are already getting prepared for the festivities leading up to 2022. Since smartphone usage has been keeping up even in post-pandemic days, no one can deny that people will choose to do their gift shopping on mobile devices again. To better understand shoppers’ behavior and preferences and draw a road map for advertisers & brands, we partnered with GWI and conducted our annual Christmas Shopping Research in the LATAM region, and gathered insights from various countries around the world.

When looking at shoppers in the LATAM region 91% of the participants think that they should have their smartphones with them while shopping in the store. Also, 79% of consumers in LATAM will use online delivery options while shopping for Christmas.

Let’s deep dive into consumer behavior during the Christmas festivities! Don’t forget to download the infographic by clicking on the full image!

Highlights from LATAM

Smartphones are becoming indispensable devices even while in-store shopping. — 99% of the participants in Colombia think that they should have their smartphones with them while shopping in the store, followed by Brazil with 91%, and Mexico with 89%

Online shopping is preferred because of its convenient delivery options. —  81% of consumers in Mexico state that they will use online delivery options for Christmas shopping this year, followed by Brazil with 78% and Colombia with 77%.

Smartphones are one of the most safe devices for shopping online. —  63% of consumers in Brazil think mobile shopping is as safe as shopping on a laptop/desktop followed by Mexico with 53% and Colombia with 49%.

Consumers expect online ads to provide the best deals. — 80% of consumers in Colombia expect online ads to provide them with a coupon/discount, followed by Brazil 64%. On the other hand, 60% of consumers in Mexico expect online ads to inform them about the best deals and sales available.

Shoppers engage with brands after seeing an ad that is attractive to them. — 16% of shoppers in Colombia researched the product/brand being advertised after seeing a Christmas-related ad, followed by Brazil with 13%. Besides that, 46.3% of consumers in Mexico state that they made a purchase after the advertisements they saw on their mobile devices during Christmas/New Year.

Mobile games keep shoppers entertained during Christmas. — As mobile gaming became part of our daily activity during the pandemic, it shows no signs of slowing down during Christmas too! 38% of users in LATAM state that they will spend the same amount of time playing games on their smartphones, compared to an average day during Christmas and New Year.

About the Study

The Christmas Shopping Survey was distributed in the LATAM region and, this report dives into the results in Mexico, Brazil, and Colombia. The Christmas Shopping Survey garnered more than 350 responses from consumers in the LATAM, ranging from 16 years old to over 65. It asked participants about their shopping behaviors and preferences, mobile gaming usage, and how their mobile device plays a role in the buying process.

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