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Mobile Monday: Food & Drink Brands in Gaming and ATT Opt-in Rates by App Categories

Posted Apr 18, 2022

Digital Turbine is constantly keeping tabs on the mobile world, and every week, we’re sharing the most interesting and important need-to-know stories and articles. In this edition of Mobile Monday, the stories we’re covering are the expansion of brand advertising in the metaverse and games and opt-in rates across brand verticals and mobile gaming install and session time growth. Learn all about these stories in this week’s Mobile Monday!

More Brands Enter the Metaverse and Gaming

Brands are continuing to invest in engaging with consumers through these growing platforms — the metaverse and gaming; Coca-Cola and Chipotle are two of the latest examples of brands that have realized the potential and power of utilizing games and the metaverse to reach consumers.

eMarketer reports that Coca-Cola is working with Fortnite to launch a new drink flavor in-game in order to reach the diverse gaming audience. This beverage brand is just one of the latest brands jumping on the gaming and metaverse bandwagon, following music, news, and luxury fashion brands. 

Similarly, Chipotle is working with Roblox to incorporate a game where users can create burritos at the virtual restaurant and earn “Burrito Bucks,” which are eligible for redemption at a physical Chipotle store. Chipotle has worked with Roblox in the past and is dedicated to learning more about marketing in the metaverse and which methods are best to increase engagement with consumers and drive users to physical purchases. 

These two brands entering gaming and the metaverse is further proof that brands across all verticals — fashion, food & drink, music — have the ability to reach a diverse and engaged audience through gaming that will be motivated to interact with brands and make purchases, both virtually and in-person.

Measuring Mobile Trends – Did iOS Opt-in Rates Hit the Predictions?

After Apple’s announcement of the new App Tracking Transparency framework in 2020, many numbers and predictions were shared in the mobile advertising industry. Mobile Measurement company Adjust released their Mobile app trends 2022 report, giving us some insight at how things evolved since the ATT rollout with iOS 14.5. 

With early predictions putting opt-in rates at 5%, the number was set at 16% for a significant period of time. After May 2021, there was a growth trend — with the opt-in rate currently sitting at approximately 25%. Mobile gaming is the exception, with the highest opt-in rates around 30%. 

What Else for Gaming? Growth, Growth, and Some More Growth

The mobile gaming trend is not slowing down, with installs growing year-on-year in all verticals tracked. For comparison, Fintech is up 35%, e-commerce by 12%, and gaming by 32%. Hyper casual has taken a strong lead with share of installs in the gaming verticals at 27% — followed by action (17%), puzzle (11%), sports (10%), strategy (5%), and simulation (4%).

Mobile users are spending more time on mobile; day 1 total time in app increased from 50.3 minutes to 53.3 minutes, day 3 from 44.9 to 47.2, day 7 from 43.3 to 45.5, day 14 from 41.7 to 44.2, and day 30 from 41.1 to 43.0.

While users are remaining expensive to acquire, session lengths and frequency offer opportunities to monetize highly engaged users. That’s not the case for hyper casual though, where there is a need to ensure maximum ROI before the user drops off. Some strategies like cross-promotion to other titles or LTV increasing mechanisms like rewarded video can help make the most out of HC players at the end of the journey. 

About Mobile Mondays
Mobile Monday examines the latest news, trends, and developments in mobile apps, tech, and advertising. Do you have a story to share for the next Mobile Monday?  

About Digital Turbine
Digital Turbine is the leading independent mobile growth platform and levels up the landscape for advertisers, publishers, carriers, and OEMs. By integrating a full ad stack with proprietary technology built into devices by wireless operators and OEMs, Digital Turbine supercharges advertising and monetization. Looking to supercharge your mobile advertising? Check out their blog to start!

About Fyber
Fyber, part of Digital Turbine’s independent Mobile Growth Platform, develops innovative ad monetization solutions trusted by top mobile game and app publishers. Fyber’s product suite offers publishers a trusted, unconflicted alternative that drives superior results by creating an optimal connection between mobile audiences, top global brands, and mobile-first advertisers across over 40Bn daily ad opportunities. Fyber’s FairBid mediation, Fyber Marketplace, and Offer Wall Edge are all built with performance, scale, and transparency in mind. To dive deeper into how their monetization solutions put app developers first, check out their blog.

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