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Highlights from GMIC Beijing 2016

Posted May 4, 2016

Recently, a few members of our APAC and US teams were in China for GMIC Beijing 2016, a five-day conference hosted by the GWC with a mission to connect innovators in mobile across the globe.

We kicked off the first night with a mixer of our own where we were able to spend some time with our partners while checking out the cool arcade games in the venue. It was a blast!

After reuniting over great food and games, we spent most of our days on the expo floor manning our booth. AdColony had a great location, and our space was constantly buzzing with excitement! It kept our team hard at work answering questions, catching up with clients, and meeting new people.

Whenever the team had a break, we were able to go around and check out some of the other booths. We saw everything from robots to drones, and even a mini gameshow happening on the expo floor!

When our turn on the expo floor was over, we were able to check out other parts of the conference. We enjoyed walking around the venue, which was originally used for the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, and has since been turned into the China National Convention Center.

We had a great time at GMIC, and are looking forward to next year’s conference. See you then, Beijing!

About GMIC Beijing
GMIC hosts mobile executives, entrepreneurs, developers, and investors from around the globe and across platforms to build partnerships, learn from industry thought leaders, better understand mobile technology trends, and shed light on how mobile is positively changing the world.

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