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Event Preview: MMA Forum Vietnam

Posted Oct 24, 2018

Time for another MMA Forum, this time in Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam! As a part of MMA’s Shape the Future series, this forum will dive into mobile as it defines the future of business.

This event will be held on October 26th at the Intercontinental Saigon Hotel. Attendees will have the opportunity to mix with professionals from InMobi, Coca Cola, Unilever, Google, and other successful companies. Learn what it takes to maximize your marketing efforts, create deep, meaningful connections, and expand your knowledge on video advertising.

Here’s what we’re looking forward to most:

Mobile Gaming: Growing Consumer Demographic Insights and Behavior11:40am to 12pm
Professionals from Decision Lab, POKKT, and Mindshare discuss key trends, behaviors, and insights about mobile gamers and how brands can leverage mobile gaming to gain the best ROI.

How Digital Marketing Can Lead and Enrich Brand Experience1:40pm to 2pm
Uyen Pham, Regional Marketing Director at Coca-Cola Southeast Asia, Inc., talks about creating brand experiences that are personalized and engaging.

What it Takes to Win at Mobile2:30pm to 3pm
Executives from Wavemaker, Starcom, Nestle, THMilk, and FreakOut share insights on where mobile lives in the partnership between the agency and the brand, how they foster expertise, integrate new technology platforms, and optimize media spend to build deeper relationships.

Consumers of Tomorrow3:30pm to 3:50pm
Gaurang Kotak, Head of Consumer Insights at Nielsen, talks about the difference in behaviors between generations and the set of opportunities available to reach, engage, and turn them into loyal consumers.

To find out what other sessions are planned for the event, click here!

About MMA
MMA is the world’s leading global non-profit trade association consisting of 800 member companies from nearly fifty countries across the globe. From brand marketers and agencies to enabling technologies and media companies, MMA members come from every corner of the mobile media ecosystem. Its mission is to accelerate the transformation and innovation of marketing through mobile, driving business growth with closer and stronger consumer engagement.

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