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Coronavirus Impact Survey Updated Blog Header

Coronavirus Impact Survey – Updated Highlights

Posted Mar 27, 2020

As the Coronavirus outbreak continues to spread globally, people have made significant adjustments to their daily lives. In order to maintain social distancing, people are spending most of their days indoors with their digital devices. To better understand these ongoing changes in behavior, AdColony has been surveying users periodically to gain insights on their current digital usage.

AdColony’s Coronavirus Impact Survey (second edition) was distributed in the United States this week to analyze behavior changes due to COVID-19. Respondents’ ages ranged from 18 to 75 and were typically aged 25 to 44. As this story continues, we will continue to report updated insights.

Check out highlights from the survey and be sure to download the updated infographic!

Survey Highlights

  • Social distancing has become required for many. — Almost half (47%) of respondents live in a city or state that has enforced lockdown or shelter in place.
  • Desktop and mobile usage have gone up. — A majority of respondents said their desktop internet and mobile usage have increased not including work.
  • People are playing more mobile games in their free time. — The amount of people playing new games on their smartphones has jumped 24% in about two weeks since the first edition of the survey was distributed. Additionally, 66% said they are playing the games they already enjoy more often, which is 30% higher than the previous survey.
  • Streaming entertainment is one of the main ways to pass time. — 66% of respondents are watching more streaming entertainment.

Click on the infographic for the full image!

About the Study
Coronavirus Impact Survey asked 200 United States residents a series of questions about their behavior during the COVID-19 outbreak. The survey asked about social activities, public transportation, and smartphone usage. Respondents’ ages ranged from 18 to 75 and were typically aged 25 to 44.

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Do you have any interesting insights surrounding Coronavirus behavior? Tweet your thoughts to @AdColony. For the latest AdColony mobile news and updates, follow @AdColony on Twitter, like us on Facebook, or connect on Linkedin.

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