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Festive season Shopping APAC Blog Header

Mobile Shopping for Festive Season in APAC

Posted Dec 7, 2020

The end of the year is quickly approaching and consumers are rushing to prepare for celebrations. Festive season has different meanings across Asia-Pacific but they all have something in common — lots of shopping. Whether they are celebrating Christmas or the New Year, consumers in APAC spending more time online shopping especially on mobile.

The global pandemic has shifted most shopping to mobile so we are looking at how consumers plan to use their smartphones while shopping for festive season in APAC. AdColony conducted the Holiday Shopping Survey and asked consumers about their behavior while shopping online, specifically on mobile, leading up to the holidays. In a previous post, we covered how shoppers in APAC are preparing for Christmas, and this week we’re sharing more insights from Japan and Indonesia on festive season. Below are some highlights from the survey and don’t forget to download the infographics for more stats!

Impact on Consumers’ Shopping Preferences

Shoppers in Asia-Pacific have demonstrated a preference shift to purchasing more online, with many consumers opting to shop on their smartphones. Indonesia (94%), the Philippines (93%), and Thailand (91%) have the highest share of consumers that prefer to make purchases on their smartphones. More than half of shoppers in Japan (71%), Malaysia (81%), Singapore (67%), and Australia (54%) also preferred using their phones to buy online.

To avoid physical contact and contain the spread of COVID-19, more than 82% of consumers in Asia-Pacific prefer to order items online and have them delivered to their homes.

It is vital for brands and businesses to provide a seamless shopping experience for consumers when they shop on their mobile devices. At least 52% of consumers in Australia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand, and Indonesia said an easy payment process matter most for the shopping experience on a mobile device.

Impact on Purchases

With mass social gatherings and travel restrictions in place across multiple countries to prevent the spread of COVID-19, consumers have shifted the majority of their purchases to clothes, groceries and electronics.

Consumers have a tendency to plan ahead and research more online as they become more savvy and informed before making their purchases. To ensure that they are getting a good deal, on average 57% of consumers in the region will research for competitive prices, and 55% will look up product reviews.

Check out the infographics below for more great insight and don’t forget to click on the infographics to open it full size!


About the Study
Holiday Shopping Survey reached consumers across Asia-Pacific, including Australia, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, and Thailand, and asked questions regarding their shopping and mobile gaming preferences during the festive season, and how their mobile device plays a role in the buying process. 

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