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Creative Showcase: Hidden Agendas and Clear Callouts

Posted Jan 8, 2016

In this Creative Showcase, we are taking a look at a recent Pocket Gems mobile video ad for their hit title Hidden Agendas. Without further adieu, here is the ad:

So why is this creative effective? Simply, it follows a number of best practices, including:

  • Use of callouts
  • 23 second duration
  • Mix of in-app animations and special effects

Use of Callouts
As mobile advertisers can’t guarantee that a user will have their audio on, it is always critical to make sure that an app install ad makes sense with the audio off. By leveraging lower third callouts, this ad clearly describes the app experience without need of any audio.

23 Second Duration
As we’ve seen time and time again: full screen mobile video ads enjoy the best performance when they are between 20 and 25 seconds in duration. With this 23 second creative, the user is given a sufficient understanding of the app experience without dragging on.

Animations & Special Effects
By using a mix of in-app animations and special effects, this creative accentuates interesting features of the game while still conveying a realistic app experience. In so doing, the publisher is able to draw attention to key features without misleading potential users.

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